
Study Reference No. - C1D03976

Study Type Demographic Gender Age Location Compensation
Pre-screening for Contact Dermatitis History of skin reaction(s) such as red rash, itchy or dry skin, blistering, swelling after direct contact with an irritant/allergen after touching the skin. Males & Females 16 - 55 (parental/legal guardian consent required for age 16-17 years) Mississauga, ON $525
Study Details

Study Purpose

The purpose of this pre-screening is to identify potential participants with contact dermatitis (skin reaction when your skin is exposed to a substance that irritates your skin). This will in turn help us to determine if you/your child are eligible to participate in an upcoming contact dermatitis study at Cliantha Research. No medication/drug will be administered in the study.

Study Duration

Approx. 5 days; 3 clinic visits including medical screening

Study Schedule

General Screening


Medical Screening

Mutliple dates; contact Recruitment

Study Visit(s)

Contact recruitment

Follow-Up Visit(s)

Contact recruitment

Other Notes

Bring Valid Photo ID.

Parent/legal guardian consent and proof of parenthood/legal guardianship will be required for adolescents. Speak to Recruitment.