
Home Medication Management System

Study Reference No. Study Type Compensation Gender Age Demographic
Home Medication Management System Human Factors - participant experience, ideas, feedback $300 ($150 each for the caregiver and medication user) Males and Females 18+ Caregiver and medication user both required to participate; medication users taking at least 3 types of pills daily and able to take pills unassisted; unpaid caregiver
Study Details

Study Purpose

The purpose of this study is to learn how medication users adapt to using a medication bowl when they take their medication. System will keep track of the medications taken and share this information with caregivers.

Study Duration

3 weeks; in-home

Study Schedule

General Screening

Telephone qualification and registration – approx. 15-20 minutes

Medical Screening


Study Visit(s)

In-home interview with the caregiver and medication user: approx. 2 hours
Pilot use of medication bowl in-home: 3-week duration
Exit interview to collect participant experience, ideas and feedback: approx. 60-90 minutes

Follow-Up Visit(s)


Other Notes

Medication users should reside in the GTA.